Intelligent Information Management is the merger of Content Analysis and Document Management. Combining these two separate disciplines for more streamlined access and representations of your data enhances the power and accuracy of Business Intelligence. Document Management Systems typically manage unstructured data such as text. Content Analysis focuses on structured data such as numbers in databases. Merging these two systems into Intelligent Information Management provides a powerful decision-making tool kit.
The benefits of Intelligent Information Management cross all aspects of your business. As an example, customer relevant data can often be stored in content form. Transaction receipts contain content describing the reason an item is returned for credit. Capturing item return reasons along with quantities provides the information needed to optimize order sizes, suggest alternate products, or correct product flaws to decrease returns. Intelligent Information Management utilizes the unstructured content, the return reason, to provide additional data points to Business Intelligence to enable more informed decisions.
At the heart of all the data is the question of trust. To address this one must ask, “How accurate and hence reliable is the data being entered? What error rates can the business tolerate and still have the ability to see the health of the organization and make forecasts?”
Underlining Data Integrity Issues… Question, “Can manual entry affect data integrity?”
Intelligent Information Management’s benefits can only be achieved with accurate data; you must trust the data used for analysis. To address this one must ask, “How accurate and hence reliable is the data being entered? What error rates can the business tolerate and still have the ability to see the health of the organization and make forecasts?”
The accuracy rate of single keyed data is on average 96 percent. That works out to an error rate of 400 per 10,000 entries significantly affecting even small amounts of data. Double keyed verification can help; the accuracy rates for double keyed data vary from 99.963 to 99.995 percent but this adds significant costs.
A Google search will reveal over 1.7 Million results related to the downside of manual entry. More compelling, a search for manual data entry benefits returns 8.3 Million articles about its drawbacks rather than its benefits.
Let’s look at some of the drawbacks (From the article):
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