Document Management

"Intelligent Information Management" - A New Direction For Document Management

Posted by Dan Schmitt on May 8, 2018 12:43:37 PM

“Content” is made up of documents containing business critical information. This information intersects with all of your line-of-business operations, and its role is no longer confined to storage places where content goes to die.

Data from documents are key to decision making and needs to be actively managed. A strategy is needed for information management capabilities that are critical to meet the challenges of redefining the interaction of customers, employees, and partners. In the past vital information was lost because of the separation of data and content. If this ever made sense, it makes less “cents” now. “Intelligent Information Management” is all about content as data.

The information management challenge facing most organizations is like a leaky boat filling faster than the people can bail the water out. With volumes of information growing exponentially you will never get ahead of the problem. Focus on the water coming into the boat first… Invest in new data capabilities.

A Document Management solution that demonstrates “best practices”, is made up of a dynamic combination of methods and tools used to:

  • Capture & Manage
  • Store & Preserve
  • Deliver, information supporting key processes

The most complete description for “best practices” for Document Management is “Intelligent Information Management.” The best of these solutions are made up of sets of capabilities that can be acquired in a modular fashion tied to the needs of particular business processes. These solutions must be deploy-able to either “On Premise” and/or “SaaS” depending on the needs of the user.

Tags: "Document Management", "Business Critical Information", "Business in the Future"

Intelligent Document Management

Exploring, Reviewing, and Resolving Business Issues

with Document Management 

In this blog we will discover ways, some new and others established, that will improve processes that save time and money. We will look to advances in technology and solutions that will drive your business into the future.

Areas of discussion:
- Where is the best place to start?
- What areas of my business will see the quickest ROI?
- Where is the technology of document management heading?

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