Document Management

Are Outdated Systems Meeting Your Business Needs?

Posted by Dan Schmitt on Mar 23, 2023 11:54:50 AM

Where To Start

The current state of the world has changed business. Customers demand hassle-free transactions. Employees expect flexibility in how and where they work. To remain competitive in today's world your business must operate in different ways. This can be difficult to do if you are continuing to rely on out-of-date methods of managing your business-critical information.

Clients tell us that working with outdated systems is a roadblock. They say that “Outdated systems are not keeping up with our needs."

Signs That You Are Falling Behind

Legacy systems can hold your business back as increased agility, intelligence, and innovation become even more essential in business today. Is your organization behind the curve? Here are some warning signs.

1 - Are you struggling to meet the expectations of your customers?

Digital transformation has accelerated tremendously, and companies are quickly replacing legacy systems. Those who adapt to the changing needs of customers will be in a better position than their competitors. 

“80% of companies believe that their core business model should be digitized to remain economically viable.”

- McKinsey

2 What can you do to keep good people?

People are leaving their jobs in record numbers. To survive, companies must re-evaluate how to retain workers. Offering systems that support remote work is essential. If your systems are out of date, are inflexible, and do not encourage efficiency, you will not retain top talent.

“According to the latest reports,4.5 million people voluntarily left their positions in November 2021. An ‘all-time high’ say analysts.”

- US Bureau of Labor Statistics

3 - Do you have ROT?

Today’s business must manage an overwhelming amount of information. Redundant, Obsolete, or Trivial information (ROT) impedes the ability of an organization to be flexible and responsive, a key differentiator in the age of digital transformation.

“While estimates vary, studies show that up to 85% of stored data is ROT.”

- Veritas Global 

4 - Are you a hostage to your out-of-date systems?

Companies often feel that they must continue to maintain outdated systems because of the cost and effort required to migrate. But making the move may not be as time consuming, and could be less costly, than you believe.

“Organizations spend up to 75% of their IT budgets to preserve their legacy systems.”

- The Financial Times

Considering Options

Have you recognized the need to update your infrastructure, but the perceived difficulties of adopting new solutions are keeping you from acting?

How you are using information.

In today's world organizations realize that not all information is critical for daily operations. Ask yourself:

  • How are you using content today?
  • How does it fit in the new emerging business world?
  • What is essential to get the job done?
  • Then ask if your current system can keep up with the changing needs of today’s business.

Migrate your content only when needed

It is not a requirement that you migrate all information. Moving only what you need - when you need it - makes sense. If a new base of information is developed without unnecessary content, then that unneeded content eventually falls away and the older system can be retired.

Get more value from information

The right information, to the right person, at the right time is at the heart of building a solid future. Work to effectively use information in ways that improve customer experience, service response, and revenue. Instead of data just sitting there, make it work for you.

Move Forward

The workplace in 2023 is demanding a different mix of technologies and capabilities. Your organization needs to embrace disruption as an opportunity for competitive advantage. You must adopt new ways of working that accelerate organizational performance. The capabilities needed include the ability to leverage remote work as an advantage, increase information agility, and drive business growth in these challenging times.

If you understand how important change is for your company’s growth, then UnForm Document Management can provide you with the right capabilities, and experience, to help you make the move to the next level.

To learn more about UnForm Document Management -

Call: 800-446-7374 / Email:

Sources: AIIM, TechTarget

Tags: "Document Management", "Business Critical Information", "Business in the Future", ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, SDSI, Synergetic Data Systems Inc

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